
Friday, April 8, 2011

Husband, Wife, Preachers, and Autocracy In the Ivory Coast

A passionate denunciation of Gbagbo that reminds me of our own situation in Cameroon. A short, must read piece from the NYT. The optimism of the piece is heartening.


GT said...

The author is surprisingly nonchalant about the current situation in his home country, the Ivory Coast. He expressed sorrow that the president he personally supported and saw a great deal of potential in has now become the man that he replaced. I think this is a common story among the politically active in African countries where dictators reign free. They are supported for their new ideas and visions of the country, only to overstay their welcome in office. What is it that makes these presidents start out great and then take a turn for the worse? Perhaps it's naivety, perhaps it's human nature, or perhaps it's just because they know they can get away with it.

YY said...

His evangelical beliefs that only God can remove him from power is a perversion of Jesus' teaching. Although Christians are no longer bound by the former covenant and law preceding Christ, it is our duty to uphold the right laws of the world for justice's sake.