
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Dark Side of Chocolate - CNN


Matt Lindner said...

This is really good stuff. This man knows what he's talking about and it's really heartening to hear the hope he has that one day Slavery will be completely gone. The story about the woman he met was very shocking, it makes me realize just how lucky I am to be in the position I'm in, getting an education at Baylor and hopefully making a difference in the lives of many like this man is trying to. A great clip segment.

Anonymous said...

RR says:
I thought this video was very interesting. It baffles me that the manager of that chocolate plantation in the video thinks that these children are coming to the fields on "vacation". Does he not see that they are not coming out of choice? I don't understand how he could see this as anything but child labor. I also thought it was interesting that Romano suggests buying chocolate that is Fair Trade chocolate. Awareness of this type of child labor needs to be spread so that everyone around the world can stop buying chocolate made by fields who contribute to child labor but instead buying chocolate made by workers who are payed, respected, and treated as people.