
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Question: Who Won the 2011 Super Bowl?

Answer: You might think it was the Green Bay Packers but you would be dead wrong. Find out why here.

1 comment:

GT said...

Walking through the clothing markets of Zambia, you will see t-shirts from every major sporting event, designer jeans, and sweatshirts sporting the name of well-known US colleges. World Vision is not alone in shipping huge amounts of unwanted clothes to Africa. Many Goodwill distribution sites have special bins for clothes that are old or out of style that are shipped to Africa. As these bulk shipments arrive in various African countries, local merchants purchase clothing by the bundle and sell the clothes in the local market. I have seen several Zambians walking around in Baylor gear that they bought for extremely low prices at a clothing market. The clothes that make it to Africa may be outdated, but they are usually sold at low prices or given out free and are often better quality than locally made goods.