
Monday, February 9, 2015

Robert Mugabe's Wife's Appendix Could Note Be Removed in Zimbabwe?

The story is making the rounds that Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe's wife's appendix was removed in the Far East, an apparent reference to Singapore. Now, it is normally not much news when someone's appendix is removed but what interests us in this particular story is that it had to be done in Singapore. We are going to assume here that the removal of the appendix is the real issue. (This assumption is based on the well founded suspicion, backed by a long history of African ruling elite's non-disclosure of the nature of their illnesses. It is now rumored that Mugabe's wife is in a coma.) If that assumption is translated into fact, then it becomes really disturbing that one of the loudest advocates of African independence, Robert Mugabe, has been unable, in the past thirty years as President, to establish a medical system in his country that can take out the appendix of his wife. If it is true that this procedure, which is an outpatient procedure, could not be carried out in Zimbabwe, one may be led to wonder about the legs on which Mugabe thinks his pride stands. Replacing Western benefactors with Eastern ones does not make one any less dependent. Looking forward to the day the appendix of the wife of the leader of Singapore will be removed in Zimbabwe.

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