
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Equatorial Guinea Rescued the African Nations Cup Tournament

The run-up to the just ended African Nations Cup tournament was anything but inspiring. I am not aware of any African Nations Cup tournament in recent memory, the hosting of which was turned down by so many countries, some of which were participating in the event. In fact, in the past, nations have fiercely competed to host the event and this was still true of the just ended one. However, the talk of the continent just before the tournament began was the Ebola crisis in West Africa. This crisis led Morocco, initially slated to host the event, to turn it down. Ghana, then Angola, also turned down requests to host the tournament. Little Equatorial Guinea of just over 700,000 people stepped in to save the day. Some called for the event to be cancelled as a way of fighting Ebola. FlourishingAfrica was among these voices.

However, it seems that Equatorial Guinea has proven us wrong. The main problem that the event encountered related to protests that had nothing to do with Ebola. So far, it appears not a single case of Ebola was registered during the event. By all accounts, the event was a success and the naysayers appear to have been proven wrong. Equatorial Guinea ought to be congratulated for rescuing the tournament.

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