
Monday, November 1, 2010

Malaria: The Goal Must be Eradication, Everywhere

It is being reported that the respected medical journal, The Lancet, has published a series of articles which suggest that in some contexts, such as sub-Saharan Africa, it would be better to endeavor to control malaria rather than shooting for its elimination. Some of the papers contend, it is reported, that poor infrastructure and limited financial resources make efforts at eradication of this disease somehow unrealistic. Given that there are places in the world where malaria once rode roughshod but where the disease no longer exist today, it is clear that the disease can be eliminated. To suggest that in the case of Africa the immediate goal should not be the eradication of the disease is simply irresponsible and even racist. These reports may just be sensational because some of the articles aim toward elimination of the disease. However, for news reports to stress control rather than elimination in the case of sub-Saharan Africa is patronizing, to say the least.

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