
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

To Hell With Authenticity!

I am sick and tired of reading books that talk about authentic this or authentic that - authentic human, authentic African, authentic Christian, etc. etc. They talk about authenticity as if they intend to hawk a particular kind of ware and are not sure if they will be trusted unless the ware is authentic. Why does it need to be authentic this or authentic that? Who creates such authenticity and what purpose does it serve? What does it mean to be authentically Christian or authentically human, or authentically African or authentically anything? We know what Mobutu Sese Seko did with the idea of African authenticity in the then Zaire. We know how talk of authenticity are often designed to exclude. The sooner we learn that there is no authenticity about any human artifact the better it will be for all of us. I do not want to read another book about what it means to be authentically African or authentically Christian or authentically anything. Just tell me what you are selling and I will know whether I want to buy it or not! 

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