
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Is America Setting Up Centers for Disease Control In Africa?

The short response to the question above is that African governments can't do it on their own. If they could, they would have done so. The report on the matter gives a brief history of how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came about in China and the United States. In the case of China, the US government was not involved in setting it up. In the case of the US, the Chinese government was not involved in setting it up. African governments were not involved in setting up either that of China or the US. Now, in the case of Africa, the American government is involved. The situation is described as a "partnership", the euphemism for neo-colonialism. The irony of this seems to be lost even on Ms. Zuma, the Chair of the African Union and a South African who preaches African independence and agency. It seems that these African leaders simply pick and choose when they want to be independent of the West or China. They mouth sanctimonious statements about African independence and agency while at the same time manifesting considerable dependence in all that they do. It is a shame that it is seen as normal for America to "partner" with the African Union to set up a Centers for Disease Control in Ethiopia. Why does an organization of 54 countries have to rely on one country to set up an agency that serves its own best interest? The continuous failure of the African Union to do little things for the continent makes one wonder whether it should be in existence at all.

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