
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Heroes of the Fight Against Ebola: Nurses and Doctors

The following statement captures the point:

"The emergency response must focus on four key areas.

First, we must support health workers who are the front line in fighting this epidemic. They have paid too great a price thus far with close to 100 workers having lost their lives attending to the sick. We need to deliver proper protective equipment, give them access to the necessary supplies, provide pay commensurate with their heroic work, and make available immediate high quality care should they fall ill. The World Bank Group last week announced $200 million to help contain the spread of Ebola, and some of this funding will be aimed at providing immediate support for the health workers."

If only politicians were at the frontlines of the fight against this virus as our nurses and doctors. Politicians often pontificate far from the scene of suffering.

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