
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Virulent Chinese Racism No Different From Western Racism

Foreign Policy is running a piece that questions whether Chinese racism against Africans would hamper China-Africa relations. While this is a distinct possibility, Chinese racism should not be depicted as somehow different from Western racism. Powerful countries that deal with Africa have often done so not because they cherish their relationship with the continent but rather because the continent has certain things they would like to exploit. That was the case with Western incursion into Africa and it is currently the case with Chinese rampaging of the continent. These powerful countries generally hold Africa and Africans in contempt. Chinese contempt for Africans is just as deep as Western contempt for the continent. If Western racism did not diminish Western exploitation of the continent neither will Chinese racism diminish their exploitation  of the continent. In fact, the continent can only be rabidly exploited if it is held in contempt at the same time. Racism is the very reason why the continent is exploited. If China is to exploit Africa, China needs to be racist. The kind of exploitation which is visited on Africa by these imperialist powers cannot be done unless the African people are debased. Why would anyone exploit other people who are seen as equals?
Now that China is establishing a newspaper in an African country is there any similar African newspaper established in China? A relationship among equals can only exist if an African country can also establish its own newspaper in China to promote understanding among Africans and Chinese. African elites may want us to believe that China respects Africans but that is not true. These elites are now selling the African peoples to Chinese interests just as they sold us to Western interests. It is a shame.

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