
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Fine Art Of Buying Votes In Cameroon

Politicians probably do buy votes all over the world in order to win elections. However, the situation seems to be so blatant in Cameroon that people are paid cash to march in support of the ruling CPDM. This recent report brings the matter to the fore. While elsewhere people press governments for jobs if the government is going to stay in power, in Cameroon the CPDM simply buys the votes. Impoverished young people are especially susceptible to this scheme because they know that even if they vote for the opposition, the ruling party will still rig the election. Now that Paul Biya has elected to perpetuate his 30-year rule by fixing the election in his favor again, young people appear to be resigned to their fate. Their parents have simple told them to take the dirty money from the Biya regime and vote for Biya in October. And so even though everyone knows that most Cameroonians would be glad to see Biya leave power, Biya will force himself on the people once again come October.

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