
Monday, May 30, 2011

Fighting For Soul Of Anglican Church In Zimbabwe

Those who love making a distinction between religion and politics would be hard pressed to do so in this dramatic case from Zimbabwe where Mugabe's desire to undermine English influence in the country has embroiled him in a battle in control for the Anglican Church in the country. This report from the New York Times brings back memories of the days of struggle against white minory rule and how churches became embroiled in the struggle. Using the language of Africanization, a language much beloved in African cultural, political, and religious studies, Mugabe supporters want to win over the church, by all means necessary, for their man. I cannot say that I am neutral in this matter: I reject the hypocricy of Mugabe and his minions who, in the name of Africanization, are oppressing the majority of Zimbabweans. Attempts to align the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe with Mugabe's cause are heretical.

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