One of the greatest ironies in current Rwandan life is that its leadership is fighting nationalism by appealing to nationalism - rejecting the nationalism of Hutu or Tutsi for the nationalism of Rwanda. It fails to see that nationalism is itself one of Africa's greatest problems. Like all nationalism, this new nationalism also trades in
C'mon, David, give them some credit, at least they are addressing the problem instead of continuing to sweep it under the rug like some other countries. (joke mode on) Maybe it's part of a 12-step program, like this year they renounce tribalism, next year nationalism, the year after continentalism, until at the end they are all citizens of the mother-ship earth. Or, conversely, maybe they use it to attack the Democratic Republic of the Congo, since everyone else does (joke mode off). I think it's a better choice to restrict the hate than ignore it, and maybe they can channel the nationalism into something positive later on. - George
Interesting comment.
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